The BRAC is a fretted Croatian stringed instrument played with a pick. It is slightly smaller than a guitar and is tuned one octave lower than a prim, producing
a deep rich tone. The tuning is G D A E with the double strings
on the G. It is played with a tremulo and picking similar to a mandolin.
is similar in shape, size and tuning to a guitar. The three courses of strings are a pair, a single and a pair. It
is tuned to an open chord, usually a D chord. This rhythm instrument is played on the offbeat.
The DOUBLE BASS, deepest member of the violin family, was developed in the 1500s.
Experiments with body size and number of strings were made in an attempt to simplify the playing technique. The average double bass played in orchestras and bands is just over 6 feet high. Most instruments
have four strings. The bass is usually played with bow, but occasionally
the strings are plucked by hand.